Beep beep! Dad Dan locked us back in again last week which meant our 9th birthday party went in the wheelie bin 😭💩

🎁 🤠 SO...we thought it'd only be in the B.East spirit to give our birthday presents to y’all instead!

We bought a stash of records from bands that were meant to play shows here (hi Delivery, STIFF RICHARDS, Cutters), armed ourselves with a couple of cases of Estrella Damm, vouchers from Record Paradise - AND found a coupla of masked hoons (our staff) to gift a beastly birthday shower to a few lucky punters. 😷 ⚡️


💥🚍 💥 PS. THE 𝕭EAST 𝕭OOZE 𝕭US rides into the sunset TONIGHT and SATURDAY💥🚍💥

—— plz buy a beer so our staff can live! 💖 ——
