Snuff Puppets and Soundfossil presents:
DIE GRAFIN (Germany) with Carly Fern and Salty Serge

The Melbournians should be honored.

After years of pleading and begging, they will be finally blessed with a visit from Germany's world-famous chain-smoking cult granny Die Gräfin, the Great Duchess; the Comtesse de la Motte.

The debut album, "Life is a Broken Horse", will be released in March 2018, probably to universal acclaim.

Warming up the Bar Open stage will be Melbourne's favorite sepia-toned seal-ship scallywags Salty Serge; and the inimitable Carly Fern, who holds the record for being the sparkliest nugget ever to be discovered in the Goldfields of Victoria.

So powder your nose, and strap the saddle on your Schaukelpferd.

And don't forget to pack a sleeping bag when you queue up overnight.
