Thank you is not a big enough word for the incredible support and gratitude you have all shown to me and my venue since the launch of the ‘Keep Jive Alive’ campaign yesterday. I am so incredibly in awe of the outpouring of love for Jive. Reaching out for help is one of the hardest things to do, but man did you answer that plea. We reached the first target in one day! Amazing! This has obviously been a devastating year for the music, arts and hospitality industry. We were the first to be shut down and will no doubt be the last to re-open to full capacity. Our earning capacity has been completely stripped from us, yet with no compensation or answer as to how we can recoup that revenue when we are not allowed to trade. So, the first target of this campaign was really just a ‘survival’ fund to literally keep the lights on and the doors open. We are now entering stage 2 of our stretch target aimed at ‘recovery’, to try and meet all the expenses that have piled up and losses that have ensued, and perhaps prepare for the ‘rainy days’ that are still to come until restrictions fully ease. Thank you so much for all the pledges already received, and more importantly for sharing and promoting the campaign. You have all shown such incredible spirit. It is amazing that the people who have been hit the hardest, the musicians, promoters, managers, bookers, publicans, brewers and festivals have been the ones to donate so generously to this campaign. But it is testament to who we are. If anything good can come of this year it is the strengthening of our community. We are passionate, we are loyal, we are dedicated, and we are resilient. We stand together and we fight together. If we can’t find help where we need it then we can find it in each other. I am so incredibly humbled by the support and good will that has transpired in the past 24 hours and ask you all to keep sharing and pushing this campaign. Keep supporting venues, pubs and artists. Keep buying tickets, keep buying beers. If a show gets postponed due to restrictions, please hang on to your ticket because the artist and the venue want to deliver that show to you as soon as humanly possible. Keep going to gigs, keep booking shows. Lastly, we would love to hear your stories and memories about Jive, so if you can shoot a short little video and post it on this page and share it on your socials we want to keep getting the word out there. This is a moment in time that will forever be engraved in my heart, in my soul and in my memories. So much love to you all
Tam xxx