Sound the trumpets beautiful people, for the long wade through the giant tub of treacle that has been 2020 is almost at an end.

Everyone’s favourite annus horribilus is going to get the biggest sendoff since the Y2K Bug, if we at Sub Rosa have anything to do with it.

To continue the tease theme, we are putting together a massive line up that'll get you dancing till 5:00am on NYD!
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to start getting excited and planning your outfit now.

No prizes for guessing the theme... (drum roll) ... 2020! Come as your favourite memory of this glorious sh*t sandwich. We want to see lots of Donalds and Melanias, Nudey Rudies, Borats, Corona Viruses, Rabid Televangelists, Proud Boys and other lunatics of 2020 out there.

As usual there will be prizes for the best costumes so get involved, and let’s see if we can outdo Halloween & our most recent SAFARI night.

In the meantime, hang in there because there is a tunnel at the end of the light and so much to look forward to.

Let’s send this one out with a Big Bang even Stephen Hawking would be proud of.

( *Tickets Include a complimentary drink on arrival)

Early Bird: $40
First Release: $45
On the door: $50

Now available via:

188 Brunswick St. Fortitude Valley.
Doors open 8:00pm - 5am