Dear Sub Roseans

Pre-Covid 2020 seems not only like another time but another planet so we will begin our Year in Review with an ending...
In late March, Dutch master Menno De Jong, all 6'8" of him, played 2 shows to 100 lucky punters instead of one on our last weekend before lockdown.

At the time it looked like Sub Rosa was finished after less than a year in existence as much bigger clubs circled, eyeing off our precious Void system.

After the gig, held a wake til 7am on the Monday. It all happened so suddenly we barely had time to process it. Five hours later, all hospitality venues were closed in Queensland and we all went into lockdown.

As I walked around the eerily empty venue the next morning, all the messages scrawled in chalk on the walls made me laugh ... until I returned to my car to find a parking ticket and saw the endless queues outside Centrelink.

Then it all hit home ...

Shane B.