Come visit us for a big warm mug of MULLED WINE ✨

Rich spiced wine blended to perfection by our very own international man of mystery Jedd, who was handed down the recipe by Benedictine monks in the hills of San Benedetto (after crashing his Cessna 172 during one of his infamous drunken Italian joyrides).
Nursed back to physical mobility in the monastery over the course of two difficult years, Jedd not only learnt but devoured and eventually mastered the spiced wine techniques only practiced in the region.
Sworn to a life of chastity, Jedd carries with him the wisdom of the last of this ancient order; a spiced wine so fine, so immaculately blended, that only the knowledge of devoted generations could imbue it with its distinct flavour and aroma.
This Mulled Wine is now his, and our, gift to you, a reminder of the supreme ideal, manifest through grace and zealous practice. For only $8. 😇
